My 360 has been locking on me lately. It did it again tonight when I started my first game of Bomberman Live with Don & Eric. When I started it again I got the following. This is my third failed 360! I will be taking it back to GameStop for a swap tomorrow. Wow, this sucks!
Category: Video Games
Loving my 42″ Panasonic Plasma
We bought an HD set for upstairs a few weeks back. I finally got the speakers mounted and the wires cleaned up a bit. I put in a call to DirecTV for another free HD DVR 🙂 before commiting to this and they went for it.
This set is great for up here, it looks very clean against the wall and the brightness and color is awesome.
I brought the Wii upstairs as it probably a better area for it. An added bonus of the move is the nice picture viewing capability on the Wii. When we come home from the cabin, parade, etc we can checkout our pics. The kids love watching the slideshows!
PS3 and the folding project…
Sony has bragged for a while about the power of their cell processor in the PS3. Well, it’s really showing it’s power with the Folding Project from Stanford. If you don’t know anything about this project take a moment to read about it here. It’s really amazing what can be achieved with this technology – cures for cancer, parkinson’s, etc.
Have a look at the stats page to see just how much more the PS3’s are doing that all the personal computers out there! Don, Sam and I are on a team for fun, there are a lot of them out there for Engadget, Joystiq and other communities but Don started one to honor his Wife’s Aunt which is a good team for me to be on 🙂
The stat that really got me in all of this was:
“It’s amazing that not only do proteins self-assemble — fold — but they do so amazingly quickly: some as fast as a millionth of a second. While this time is very fast on a person’s timescale, it’s remarkably long for computers to simulate.
In fact, it takes about a day to simulate a nanosecond (1/1,000,000,000 of a second).”
Now that’s a lot of calculations!!  If you have a PS3 run it overnight for a good cause!
I bought a pink DS Lite!
Well, for Carolyn anyhow 🙂
I’ve had my DS for a while now and Carolyn would steal it from me from time to time to play good old Mario Bros, Mario Kart, etc. With all the great franchise titles and the game sharing feature we can now play each other in Mario Bros, Tetris, Clubhouse Games, Mario Kart and Bomberman each with only having one cartridge! The other benefit is that Elizabeth will hopefully be able to start dabbling in games for rides up to the cabin this next year.
Carolyn and I used to play against each other all the time when we were dating on the N64. It brings back some of that fun competition 🙂
PS3 Blue-Ray DVD remote
I’ve been looking for this in stores for about a week and tonight I bought the last one at the local Best Buy store for $24.99.
There are other solutions out there where you can get the USB PS2 adapter and the PS2 remote to work on the PS3 but I didn’t want to miss out on any BD functionality. This remote uses Bluetooth which is cool and irritatating since I can not use my big Sony learning remote. This remote is extremely light just like the PS3 controllers.
I apologize for the bad pictures. I was lazy and used my Treo to take them and make this post 🙂
I look forward to having complete control over my BD experience!