General Sports Tech

My Slingbox is a great toy!

Thanks to my Slingbox I was able to watch listen and glance over once in a while at the Twins game today at work on my Treo 700wx.

On another note, for those of you with Palm based Treo’s can now download a beta of the Sling player for Palm starting tomorrow! Go here for the download.


General Tech

I finally found Blu-Ray & HD-DVD at Blockbuster!

Five of the six local BB stores near me don’t carry either HD format. So, when I found that the Eagan store off of Cliff had both I was a very happy dude.
I currently have a very good deal through where I get two online rentals, two in store swaps and one coupon for another movie/game all for $5.99. That’s five movies or four movies and a game each month for $6! All in HD goodness 🙂

Friends General Sports

Pictures from our annual away Twolves game. This year we went to Memphis…

Only a month late! Brian, Joel and I had a great time. Justin, you were missed! There is alway next year (Joel is thinking Toronto)

Click on any of the following pictures to enter the album. The last is my favorite, too bad it’s blurry 🙁

Friends General Sports

Three good looking guys….


Friends General Sports

Good time in Memphis


General Tech

We’ve hit 50k on the Odyssey

Good thing it’s not a Ford or we’d be concerned about the half life 🙂



My personal blog…

I started up the family’s blog a couple of months back but didn’t have an appropriate place to put pictures from parties, jokes that I like, etc so I decided to put on here for MY stuff.